This is our version of the HD’s mileage program. This is for our chapter members ONLY! Unfortunately, this contest is for riders, not passengers. The contest will be running annually. Your check in for the end of the yearly contest will be at our October meeting. Winners will be announced at our February meeting. This check in will be your starting mileage for next years contest. If you miss the check-in, still get your mileage recorded, so you are set for the next year. All you have to do is fill out this form and have it endorsed by one of our officers (listed on our website) or sign-up in the service department at Lake Shore, THEN RIDE! To finish the contest, just have an officer verify your final mileage or check back in at the dealership.  We have three categories for this event. “The Weekend Warrior”, “Iron Butt” and the “Retired”

The “Iron Butt” is pretty straight forward. These are the riders that get out weekdays, weekends, long weekends, long trips, etc. They rack up the miles, so its whomever rides the most in the allotted timeframe will win.

“Weekend Warriors” are more of our less frequent riders. This is not to say you only ride on weekends, but for the most part, you work all week , so your riding time is limited. Even if you ride to and from work but its 5/10 miles that would only be about 100 miles a week, so this would still be a good category for that type of rider. The caveat will be that, if you enter the “Weekend Warrior” category and your total miles exceed the curve, you will be moved to the “Iron Butt” category automatically. The curve will be 30% of the average of the total miles of the entire Weekend Warrior participants. That 30% will be added to the average and that becomes the ceiling for the Weekend Warriors category. If your mileage exceeds that number, you then are in the Iron Butt category.

Cash prizes will be awarded for 1st, 2ndplace in each division. Also 1st, 2nd& 3rdplace in each division with have their names on display at the dealer. Though we are allowing members to register more than one bike in the contest, each bike must be registered separately. ONE BIKE PER SHEET. Mileage for each bike will be totaled together for the prizes and patch/rockers.

“Retired” just what it says. Join this if you would like, but if you are retired and do over 10,000 miles you will be moved into the category… automatically… 

“In Addition…” if you hit 5,000 miles you will receive a main patch (1st year only) and the yearly rocker, plus your name will be on display at the dealership. All following years you will receive that years rocker. You MUST check in to win prizes and/or get your patch and/or rocker. Your ending mileage will become your starting mileage for the next year. If you do not check in by the October meeting, you will start a new mileage reading for the next year when you do check in.

Check-in for 2024 Mileage Contest
"New For Next Year" are for next year's competition.
"New For Next Year" are for next year's competition.
"New For Next Year" are for next year's competition.
"New For Next Year" are for next year's competition.








 It is the mission of the Lake Shore Chapter of the Harley Owners Group to bring members together for the common interest of promoting local motorcycling activities for these members. Our chapter goal is to generate an increased level of enthusiasm for riding Harley-Davidson Motorcycles and to promote the advancement and improvement of the Harley Owners Group. The Lake Shore Chapter is chartered as a “Family Oriented Social Organization” and is dedicated to the betterment of motorcycle riding and safety.

Sponsoring Dealership: Lake Shore Harley

We are the Harley Owners Group of Lake Shore Chapter #4545 in Libertyville, IL.

14000 W Rockland Rd
Libertyville, IL 60048