Rolling Thunder “Ride For Freedom”

DEPARTURE: Lake Shore parking lot
DESTINATION: VA Hospital at Rt #137 & Green Bay Rd, North Chicago, IL
MILEAGE: 7 miles to the VA, then 54 miles for the parade (blocked)

We will ride over as a group to the VA Hospital for the “Ride For Freedom”.

Rolling Thunder Mid-America
Demonstration Parade
Sunday, May 29, 2022

FROM: Lovell Federal Health Care Center (VA), North Chicago, IL THRU: Hines VA Hospital, Maywood, IL
TO: Cantigny Park, First Infantry Division Museum, Wheaton, IL

PURPOSE: To Remind our Government That The American Public
Demands Full Accountability Of Our 82,000 Prisoners of War/Missing in Action

The year 2019 marked the final Rolling Thunder demonstration parade in Washington, D.C. in support of POW/MIA and Veterans’ Issues.  Rolling Thunder will continue to bring awareness to the public, in years to come, with regional demonstration parades.   This year’s inaugural Rolling Thunder XXXIV MidAmerica Demonstration Parade will be held in the Chicago area on Sunday, 29 May 2022

PARADE DETAILS – Sunday, May 29, 2022, Rolling Thunder®, Inc. Demonstration Parade:

  • Stages from 8:30 am to 10:00 am at James A. Lovell Federal Health Care Center (VA), North Chicago;
  • Motorcycles will depart at 10:00 am for Hines VA Hospital, Maywood
  • Ride south, on Routes 41 and 43 to Hines VA Hospital – passing thru Knollwood, Lake Bluff, Lake Forrest, Highland Park, Northbrook, Glenview, Morton Grove, Niles, Norwood Park, Union Ridge, Dunning, Elmwood Park, Oak Park, River Forrest, and Maywood
  • Continue west from Hines VA on RT 38 to Cantigny Park thru Broadview, Westchester, Oakbrook, Terrace, York, Glen Ellyn, Wheaton, and Winfiel;
  • Ride south, on Routes 41 and 43 to Hines VA Hospital – passing thru Knollwood, Lake Bluff, Lake Forrest, Highland Park, Northbrook, Glenview, Morton Grove, Niles, Norwood Park, Union Ridge, Dunning, Elmwood Park, Oak Park, River Forrest, and Maywood
  • Demonstration Parade will end at Cantigny Park with vendors, First Infantry Division Museum tours, tank park tour, food and band.

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May 29 2022


8:45 am


Chapter Rides
Lake Shore Harley


Lake Shore Harley
14000 Rockland Rd, Libertyville, IL 60048
John R Sweeney Jr


John R Sweeney Jr
(847) 651-4469