It’s Time For Our Annual Teddy Bear Boxing Party
KICKSTANDS UP: Appox 1:00pm Still not determined. Either we will deliver the bears or we’ll go on Corey’s ride and deliver them at a later date.
As in years past, we are inviting all members that would like to help out, to come to the dealership on Sunday, November 6th at 11:30am (please don’t come earlier, we are doing set-up). We will be counting and boxing up all of the bears, stuffed animals and hot wheels that we have collected and/or donated this year to go to DCFS. Come see the end result of all your hard work this year.
Unfortunately, DCFS has not be able to acquire a local place for us to drop off the bears like we usually do. So we will either be loading them in Doug Wrobel’s trail for a deliver or store them for a later deliver and go on Corey’s ride.
So mark your calendars for Nov. 6th and come help make a great Christmas for the kids…
NOTE: We will be in the back, behind the parts department, by the bear bin.
See you there…