John R. (Motor Mouth) Sweeney Jr.

(847) 882-0187
<< EMAIL >>

Barlas Bildir

(206) 552-4909
<< EMAIL >>


Manny Casillas

(847) 276-7918
<< EMAIL >>


Joseph Geraci

(847) 903-7563
<< EMAIL >>


Jim Goodrum

(773) 368-8784
<< EMAIL >>

Keith Gresens

<< EMAIL >>


James Hancock

(847) 997-2657
<< EMAIL >>


Corey (Rainman) Johnston

(217) 259-3112
<< EMAIL >>


Dave Jones

(847) 609-0277
<< EMAIL >>


George Lang

(847) 344-0576
<< EMAIL >>


Ralph (YoYo) Lenzini

(847) 208-6831
<< EMAIL >>


Dan Marcotte

(224) 715-0058
<< EMAIL >>


Carl Marcyan

(312) 218-5560
<< EMAIL >>


Coti Mills

(847) 431-0096
<< EMAIL >>


David Mills

(630) 864-8003
<< EMAIL >>


Eric Morris

(847) 751-0843
<< EMAIL >>


Al Panozzo

(847) 452-3600
<< EMAIL >>


Christine Quill

(309) 838-5014
<< EMAIL >>


Scott Sears

(224) 707-2383
<< EMAIL >>


Bob Warzecha

(708) 466-3548
<< EMAIL >>


Owen West

(847) 259-4071
<< EMAIL >>


Doug Wrobel

(224) 627-3987
<< EMAIL >>


Road Captain Forms

Become a Road Captain - Requirements Email the Head Road Captain


It is the mission of the Lake Shore Chapter of the Harley Owners Group to bring members together for the common interest of promoting local motorcycling activities for these members. Our chapter goal is to generate an increased level of enthusiasm for riding Harley-Davidson Motorcycles and to promote the advancement and improvement of the Harley Owners Group. The Lake Shore Chapter is chartered as a “Family Oriented Social Organization” and is dedicated to the betterment of motorcycle riding and safety.

Sponsoring Dealership: Lake Shore Harley