Modification to the chapter election process
- Nominations are accepted at the October meeting.
- Election conducted and final results announced at the November meeting.
- You must be present to vote or have done a prior absentee ballot via email or postal mail one week prior to the November meeting.
- Elections are for a one year term for all primary officer positions. Director, Assistant Director, Treasurer and Secretary.
- The newly elected officers assume their offices as of January 1st with December being a transition month.
Election Procedures
- To be eligible to accept a nomination and/or run for a primary officer position, a person must be a member of the chapter for at least 2 full years.
- In order to hold office one must be an owner of a Harley Davidson motorcycle or the associate member of a Harley Davidson owner. Harley Davidson Museum associate memberships do not meet this requirement as they do not require the ownership of a Harley Davidson motorcycle.
- Nominations are taken in this order. Director, Assistant Director, Treasurer and Secretary. Be sure to remind the people at the beginning of each nomination the position that is being filled.
- When opening the nominations for a specific office, the incumbent has the first option to say if they are running again for that office. If they choose to run, they will need to be seconded and recorded, then nominations are opened to the floor for that position.
- If someone nominates another person, that person’s nomination has to be seconded by another member; then ask the person that has been nominated, if they want to accept the nomination. If they accept, record their name for that position to be added to the ballot.
- If someone stands up and throws their name in the hat (nominates themselves), they have to be seconded by another member and then their name can be recorded and added to the ballot.
- Be sure to ask around the room a couple of times, if there are any other nominations for the current nominating position and if there aren’t any, close the nominations for that position. Then go on to the next position.
- When all four office positions have received nominations and been recorded, the nomination/election process is now closed.
- If more than one individual is listed for a position then elections will go forth in the month of November.
- If at the conclusion of the nomination process only one individual fulfills each officer position thus prompting no need for an actual election, make an announcement “Can I have a motion to cast a single vote to elect the aforementioned ballot”. Then “All in favor, opposed”. Record results.
- Works with the sponsoring dealer to uphold the “Annual Charter for H.O.G. Chapters” and H.O.G. operating policies
- Assumes overall responsibility for the administration of the H.O.G. chapter and implementation of Harley Owners Group policies
- Signs annual H.O.G. Chapter Charter Application and ensures it is received in H.O.G. office by November 30, due to HOT registration requirements
- If chapter is incorporated, ensures chapter complies with all corporate state annual filing requirements
- Promotes H.O.G. and the H.O.G. chapter to potential members
- Conducts chapter meetings
- Conducts officers meetings
- Coordinates chapter officer responsibilities
- Oversees annual elections
- Ensures that risk management requirements set forth by the Chapter Insurance program, including procurement of necessary release forms, are met for all chapter activities
- Verifies that chapter T-shirt and merchandise guidelines are followed
- Ensures that all trademark requirements are met
- Ensures that chapter merchandise orders are supplied to the sponsoring dealer
- Ensures Chapter Officer News® is available to all fellow officers
- Routes H.O.G. correspondence to fellow officers and to membership, as requested
Important Deadlines
- 1st Sunday of May – Annual Bike Blessing – Insurance obtained 6 weeks prior
- Coordinate January Sign-Up with dealership
- Permit for annual picnic, purchased in January – Picnic in July
- At least one annual meeting with the dealership, usually in January.
- November 30 – H.O.G. Chapter Charter Application due in H.O.G. office
- Corporation Annual Report – Seek your corporate attorney’s advice; deadline varies from state to state
- Assists the sponsoring dealer and chapter director in upholding the “Annual Charter for H.O.G. Chapters”
- Assists the director as requested
- Promotes H.O.G. and the H.O.G. chapter to potential members
- Informs chapter members of H.O.G. programs and benefits. The following officers should assist you in this function:
- LOH® Officer – Ladies of Harley program and LOH Motorcycling Memories contest
- Safety Officer – Motorcycle safety programs and Safe Rider Skills program
- Photographer – Staff Photographer pin
- Conducts new member orientation
- Acts as the liaison between the chapter and the State Rally Committee
- Assist members with in the chapter if needed
- Assist any officer if needed
- Help make the chapter safe and fun
- Assists the sponsoring dealer and chapter director in upholding the “Annual Charter for H.O.G. Chapters”
- Oversees the administrative needs of the chapter
- Keeps minutes of all chapter meetings, including “Annual Chapter Business Meeting”
- Submits the following forms/reports to H.O.G.: o O.G. Chapter Charter Application (once a year, by December 31) o Other reports and forms as requested
- Obtains, files and maintains records of all insurance forms, including release and injury report forms
- Administers the annual chapter business meeting
- If chapter is incorporated, submits corporate state annual report to proper state office (or chapter attorney)
- Ensures that all insurance requirements are met Oversees membership officer position to:
- Ensure that chapter members have current national H.O.G.memberships
- Enroll new chapter members
- Administers annual chapter member renewal process
- Assists the sponsoring dealer and chapter director in upholding the “Annual Charter for H.O.G. Chapters”
- Collects chapter dues (no more than $24 per member per year)
- Manages all chapter funds
- Oversees the preparation of chapter federal, state and local tax returns
- Reports financial transactions to members monthly
- Ensures that any charitable contributions are managed according to H.O.G. guidelines
- Maintains a running comparison of current year chapter finances with prior year chapter finances for presentation at Annual Meeting
Additional Responsibilities
- Purchases annual chapter rockers for sign-up
- Purchases Teddy bear rockers
- Purchases supplies for annual sign-up; pens, laminating sheets, cards, etc.
- Prepares annual budget
- Prepares a monthly financial accounting of chapter spending and forecasting for year end spend.
We are the Harley Owners Group of Lake Shore Chapter #4545 in Libertyville, IL.
14000 W Rockland Rd
Libertyville, IL 60048