Nightmare Before Halloween Ride!
CAGING: 7:00pm
HOST: Dave J / Dan M
DEPARTURE: Lake Shore Parking Lot
DESTINATION: Spooky Destination (with dinner)!!
LEVEL: None (caging it)
MILEAGE: “spooky” distance… ;–)
The Nightmare Before Halloween ride / dinner will still be…, dinner.
We’ll cage it from LSHD at 7:00 PM (Wednesday evening) to El Traditional Mexican Cantina (649 Lake Cook Rd, Deerfield)
and plan on arriving there at 7:30 PM. Join us at LSHD for the carpool, or let me (Dave J) know you’ll meet us at the Cantina
so I can get our numbers right for the restaurant and we can all have a wonderful good time together!
Thanks, and looking forward to our (always) good time together – fun, friends, good food and surprises!!
Join us for a scary-ly fun evening with your spooky LS riding friends!!